Advance Cycad Conservation Research

We support Cycad Genomics Inititative (CGI) &

Global Conservation Consortium for Cycads (GCCC)

CGI aims to sequence all known cycad populations to estabilish a genomic profile database to help cycad conservation. The project is in collaboration with Montgomery Botanical Center, Fairy Lake Tropical Garden.

GCCC is a joint initiative of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Cycad Specialist Group (CSG) and Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), to establish local cycad conservation network to better our knowledge in conservation biology.

Cycas hongheensis SY Yang et SL Yang

Cycas hongheensis

Cycas hongheensis S.Y.Yang & S.L.Yang is one of the most endangered Cycas species, only 2 small populations remain in Yunnan China with less than 100 individuals each. The species was discovered in 1992. The scientific desciptions of male and femal cones were finished in 2016 by J. Liu, A. Lindstorm & G. Xiong. The species was named after the river runs through the nature habitat.

Cycas lindstromii

Cycas lindstromii S.L.Yang, K.D.Hill & T.H.Nguyên, an endangered species native to south Vietnam. It was discovered by two young scientists, SL Yang and A Lindstorm, in 1993.

Cycas pranburiensis

Cycas pranburiensis S.L.Yang, W.Tang, K.D.Hill & Vatch.A endangered species was discovered in 1994 from a limestone hillside near Pranburi, Thailand.

Cycas condaoensis

Cycas condaoensis K.D.Hill & S.L.Yang, an endangered species from Condao, Vietnam. The species was unknown to science until 1994 when SL Yang and K Hill studied it in a research expedition sponsored by the Montgomery Botanical Center

Cycas tansachana

Cycas tansachana K.D.Hill & S.L.Yang is a large treelike cycad endemic to south central Thailand. It is known only from a single location, very restricted in their distribution (area of occupancy and extent of occurrence less than 10 km²). It was described in 1999, named after Mr. K Tansacha who sponsored the research.

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